These updates come as the governing body relaxed it guidelines from 17th May in line with government restrictions lifting.
NASC have been very fortunate to have received several additional pool hours from Hambleton District Council at a significantly reduced rate to enable us to meet members pool-based training hours and operate within the guidance. We have reviewed the guidance, with the leisure centre, and have agreed maximum capacities for the venues for training sessions in line with the recommendations passed by Swim England from the DCMS.
These changes can be viewed online:
There are several reasons for making these changes:
- Reduce the number of days operating at the centres to a manageable level for coaching teams
- Prevent some squad swimmers training 6 days a week, reducing the burden on families, and allowing members to partake in other activities
- Offer additional opportunities to members on weekends through competitions and skills workshops
- Pave the way for dry side activities to resume when centre facilities have space for this operation
- Provide a staged exit route back to normal operation for members to adapt over a period
Any members with questions should email the club general mailbox on
Volunteer and training rotas will be updated on the website over this week.
Changing Rooms
NASC will now be offering changing room provision for Water Polo players at Bedale Leisure Centre on a Tuesday evening. This session will be used as a trial to see if the operation can be completed safely. A review will take place between the centre and coaching teams to consider next steps.
For now all swimming members will be expected to comebeach readyand leave the centre to get changed/showered once they return home.
We would ask that parents ensure that swimmers are suitably equipped/attired for the journey home to prevent themselves from getting too cold.