NESS Swimwear discount – new for 2025!
In addition to the 10% discount offer we have direct with Funky Trunks / Funkita (details on the Club Clothing page), we are delighted to have partnered with NESS Swimwear, a local supplier of swimwear providing a great range of products.
Use discount code NA24 for 5% off their online store –
What to bring to swimming:
In addition to bringing the following to every swimming training session
- Swimming Costume (+spare) – not racing costume!
- Hat (+Spare)
- Goggles (+Spare)
- Drinks bottle (~1ltr per hour of training)
Swimmers are expected to bring the following items of equipment to training. Swimmers from January 2015 will be using the equipment listed below throughout every Scheme of Work set. Swimmers are expected to bring kit in a kit bag so their equipment does not get muddled. All equipment must be named.
Junior Otters
In addition to the above
Junior Squad
In addition to the above
Mesh Kit Bag –
Pull Buoy –
Kickboard –
Development Squad/Senior Squad
In addition to the above
Front Facing Snorkel –
Finger Paddles –
Hand Paddles (D2/D1 only) –
Tennis Balls – source your own!
Drag Shorts –
Leg Bands – Provided at NASC
Optional Development Squad/Senior Squad
Forearm Fulcrum –
It is also recommended that swimmers buy a physio ball and foam roller for use at home for after intense swimming sessions.
Gala Equipment
All swimmers are expected to bring the following items to swimming galas;
Foam Roller – can be purchased through Greg Ient
Thera Bands – Provided by NASC
Tennis Balls – source your own
Spare costumes, goggles and hats.